Today is a great day for us and Qt Cloud Services. After a successful early access period, we have now released Managed Application Runtime (“MAR”) to the whole Qt ecosystem. It is a huge leap forward in our efforts to create a complete set of development tools for connected applications.
Managed Application Runtime is an application platform-as-a-service (PaaS). It provides runtime and essential tools needed for agile server-side application development. In addition to our Enginio Data Storage and Managed Websocket Services, any application logic can now also run on the cloud side. This enables unlimited possibilities to develop and host connected applications with Qt tools. Here are some of the key features:
- It’s Easy to Develop. Use your favorite programming language for server-side development. Choose Qt, Node.js, Ruby or other supported languages. Need a database? We have MongoDB, MySQL and Redis for you.
- It’s Great to Deploy. You can use the Git version control tool to deploy your application. Just commit your changes and make a git push. The application will be built and deployed automatically without any downtime.
- It’s Amazing to Scale. Server-side applications need to perform flawlessly regardless of load or usage patterns. We have made it possible for you to adjust the number of instances powering your application in real time.
The development and maintenance of reliable and scalable server infrastructure for connected application can be very time consuming and expensive. With Managed Application Runtime you don’t need to worry about the server infrastructure.
We are also happy to introduce a new “qtc” command-line tool which can be used to manage and access your cloud resources, application scaling, access logs and more. It is an essential tool for server-side developers and dev ops people working with Qt Cloud Services.
New Terms of Service and Pricing
The Qt Cloud Services Terms of Service and pricing are also updated to support the new features we’re rolling out and to allow you to subscribe to paid services.
Get Started Today
Please read through the Managed Application Runtime (“MAR”) getting started guide to get your application to run on the cloud side. You just need a valid Qt Account to start using the service in the management console. The usage is free up to certain limits. All existing customers and other Qt account holders have access to try it out now!
If you have any questions or suggestions, you can always contact us via our support helpdesk or …read more