Qt Weekly #22: How to help Qt Support help you more efficiently

By Andy Shaw

If you have used Qt Support before then you may have had to deal with a bit of back and forth with Support trying to get to the heart of the problem that you are having. Therefore in order to try and speed up that process along in the future we have the following tips for you to help you ensure we get all the information that might be useful to us right away.

Installation issues:
– First check that you have all the dependencies for building Qt as indicated here:


– If the problem occurs when building Qt from source, then send the entire output from configure as well as the output from the make command so we can see everything that has happeend in the run up to the build issue
– If installing from one of the binary installers then re-run the installer with the –verbose option and send the log file it generates

General qmake issues:
– If the makefile/vcxproj/xcodeproj file is not being created correctly then re-run qmake with the extra options “-d -d -d -d 2>debug.txt” and send the debug.txt file it generates. This contains all the debug information from qmake which may be useful.

License not found or is incorrectly invalid issues:
– Delete the .qt-license file from:

*nix/Mac: $(HOME)/.qt-license
Windows: %USERPROFILE%/.qt-license

and delete the following extra file/registry entry:

*nix: $HOME/.config/Digia/LicenseManager.conf
Mac: $HOME/Library/Preferences/com.digia.LicenseManager.plist
Windows: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareDigiaLicenseManager in the registry

Problems with the application starting up:
– If the application itself fails to start then check that the dependencies are found:

*nix: ldd ./executable
Mac: otool -L ./executable.app/Contents/MacOS/executable
Windows: depends executable.exe

On Windows if you do not have depends already you can get this from www.dependencywalker.com. Send the output to us if problems still occur (in the case of Windows you can save it as a dwi file and send that).

If it is a plugin that is failing to start then run the tool from the same location as the executable on the plugin directly instead. For example “ldd ./platforms/libxcb.so”. In addition run the application with the environment variable:


set and send the output that you get from running the application. On Windows you might need to use DebugView in order to see the output if you don’t have a console window or are not running through a debugger.

If the application is crashing:
– Send the stack trace you get when it crashes (in debug mode) and give us the details surrounding what was happening at the time of the crash. …read more

Source:: http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2014/12/04/how-to-help-qt-support-help-you-more-efficiently/


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