What Happens When Water Freezes in a Box So Strong It Can’t Expand?

By Karl Smallwood – TodayIFoundOut.com

What Happens When Water Freezes in a Box So Strong It Can't Expand?

Some readers may recall a science class in which an excitable teacher walked to the front of the class to show off a small, cracked steel container, seemingly damaged by an incredibly powerful, but tiny force; only for said teacher to reveal that the damage had been done by nothing more than water. However, what would happen if you put the water in a container it couldn’t break out of and then froze it?

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/bERud3YxzHE/what-happens-when-water-freezes-in-a-box-so-strong-it-c-1500919062


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