adbqml_1Developing Android and for Android means that developer have to control a lot of things, check huge number of parameters collect huge amount of data etc. Digging within packages, logcat, kernel log, parsing, searching and lot of other nightmare

That’s why I’ve decide ti simplify my own and my colleges life creating nice UI tool to simplify routine operations.

This is fast, native, multiplatform application, no Java and other sandboxes. Supports Android phones and Android Wear devices

I’ve called it AdbQML because it written using Qt/QML framework. Work is not done yet, however I can share some screenshots already:

1. You can simulate touch and swipe events with screen updates






2. You can filter by senders, and check which sender flood more

3. You can filter by priority, keyword, sender etc

adbqml_screenshot2 adbqml_screenshot1










4. You can get screenshots, save them





5. Application show device CPU usage as whole and per core

6. WiFi information available

7. Phone or just framework can be rebooted in just one mouse click

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