By Tero Kojo
The Qt Contributors’ Summit 2015 now has a date, the weekend of 6-7th June 2015.
The event is aimed at people who contribute to Qt in any way; code, documentation, bug reports, support on the forums, wiki editing, articles on the web, Youtube videos. In short anyone who contributes to the Qt community is welcome.
This year the location will be the Qt Company offices in Oslo. The location offers a relaxed atmosphere for discussions with even a possibility to hack something together if needed, while still having good room for even large groups for presenting on different parts of the project.
As always the Qt Contributors’ Summit is the premier event to discuss the state and the future of Qt with the maintainers, approvers and contributors of the project. For those interested in the project, it is a must event.
The format of the event will follow the unconference style that has been successfully used in previous years. A wiki page will be set up where you can add your topic proposals prior to the event, and as the event draws closer the exact schedule will be crafted based on the proposals.

QtCS 2014
The event will begin on Friday with an unofficial get-together / hack event at the Qt Company offices.
And as we will be in Oslo, we hope to see many old trolls attend the event.
The event is based on invitations, please register for an invite.
If you are into Qt, Oslo in June is the place to be.
P.S. if you are interested in sponsoring the event, please contact to discuss the matter further.